So it's Friday: End of the working week. It's been a hard gig writing a blog post every night after work. There's 2 days worth of dishes in the sink, but I don't care; the house is a mess, but I don't care; the dining table's covered in bills and junk mail, but I don't care It's my time, time to think and recreate myself.

Today's topic prompt from the Bitter - Sweet blog is: More than Diabetes. 

The prompt says:
Lets wrap up the week by sharing a little more about ourselves, beyond the chronic illness we or our loved ones live with.  Share an interest, hobby, passion, something that is YOU.  If you want to explore how it relates to or helps with diabetes you can.   Or let it be a part of you that is completely separate from diabetes, because there is more to life than just diabetes!  

There is so much else to what I am. Diabetes does not define me. It does not own me. It does not dictate my sense of self. 
Here are a few of the things that do define, own and dictate my sense of self and who I am.

  • My love of nature and landscape
  • My family and friends
  • My professiuonal life

I am a product of my family and the friendships that have been crafted over years. They are the holder of my memories and substance on this earth. I am the mother of a wonderful, talented, kind, extraordinary human. Born two years after my diagnosis, silent witness to my early struggles to try and 'normalise' my life with diabetes. Keeper of my heart.
I am a forever gardener, a lover of nature and of being in nature, the sea and the bush are the keepers of my soul.
I am workmate, mentor, experienced advisor, producer, leader and designer of my own professional life. My professional persona is intimately connected with my private persona and is the keeper of my sense of self.
I define myself by what I can do for others. I own my actions and decisions. I dictate my path through life. 
I am so much more than that 'Person With Diabetes'. 


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