Colours of Autumn

After suffering the horrible effects of the head cold all week, I finally succumbed to it on Friday night and crawled into bed with a throat full of razor blades, at 6.30pm, staying there until 6am on Saturday, then spending Saturday grumbling about the house in my daggiest tracksuit pants, complete with ugg boots. I cancelled my appointment with the chinese doctor whom I've been seeing for my sore shoulder, I cancelled my dinner that had been arranged with some dear friends whom I was keen to catch up with, I grumbled by txt msg to the boyfriend that I was `bored witless' having to stay
home all day, and I went back to bed at 9pm. This morning I woke to a warm wind blowing dust into the atmoshphere which resulted in a spectacular sunrise. Captured on the Nokia N96 mobile phone camera - it's a bit hard to get the focal depth, but as they say `you get the picture'. The photo of the maple is also captured on the Nokia, but was taken in clear daylight and within a good focal range. The continued drought in the Southern states throws up strange phenomena. The local birds love my garden because I have mulched so deeply and I water on the days I'm allowed to.

The deep damp mulch is full of worms and wood slaters and all sorts of other goodies for birds. I hadn't worried about putting water out for the birds, because my property backs straight onto a creek, which is permanent. Yet this morning as I stood looking out my bedroom window at the front of the house, I saw a fat glossy black rook, approach the end of the hose lying in the garden and stick his beak into the opening, seeking drops of water. Maybe he likes the taste of chlorinated water? More likely he is just like us humans, why waste effort flying over the houses to the creek, when he can have a drop of water from the hose. The hose does have one of those `stop' end fittings on it that don't allow water to flow unless a nozzle is fitted, so I was suprised that he would get enough water from it to encourage his efforts.