Its a happy life

Sometimes life just gets along really nicely. Since I came home from my travels, I've been warmly welcomed back at work, managed to host the family Christmas party, successfully, sort of settled into a routine of having my brother living here, started dating a new fellow, and found my work life expanding satisfactorily.
I suppose I should be careful and not tempt the djinns. The new date arrangement nearly came unstuck last weekend when I had a dose of food poisoning and threw up spectacularly all over the front cabin of his car. He was an absolute gentleman about it and put me in the shower fully dressed, then went and cleaned up all the mess in the car.
I hope I'm not tempting the djinns at work. I'm working on a new project which is coming together really well, and I'm really enjoying it, AND getting pats on the back from the boss. Even better than this, I seem finally to be making better relationships with my workmates and feeling comfortable in my position.
Its nice having someone in the house, although it is difficult to adjust to some behaviours of another person and I don't feel I should have to make too many allowances as it's my space, rather than a joint tenancy arrangement or a relationship.
anyway, all in all, Life is Nice just now.


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