Weight Watchers week 2

I lost a kilo!!!! How did I do that? I spent the first three days being completely anal, recording EVERYTHING. I was doing blood tests every hour, coping with low sugars because of the change in carbohydrate mixes, monitoring activity, weighing foods, driving myself nutso. Then I gave up - I was volunteering at the Audax Alpine Classic, over the long weekend, a 200 k bike ride with 2400 participants, based in the Victorian Alps. One of the joys of being a `vollie' is that they feed you. Custard tarts. I had two, and I drank a lot of red wine (after hours), and I worked and I danced and I had a great time. And I gave up counting points, and I went to the WW's meeting on Tuesday night and found that I had lost weight. last riders come in off the mountain So now I am being REALLY attentive and anal. If I could loose weight last week, what can I do if I concentrate! Stay tuned for next weeks blog.