how do I write about the frustration of not working? It's driving me nuts not having a job to get up and go to. It was OK up until late last week as I had the work on my new garden to keep me going, but as the weeks draw on and my financial resources dwindle, projects come to a halt from lack of funding and I find myself wondering what there is to get up for today. I try to call at least two recruiters everyday and scour the job websites and phone or email my own network of professional friends. I'm just having no luck at all. I can't even seem to get to an interview! They don't like me because I've got a TAFE background, they don't like me because I'm not well enough connected, they don't like me because I don't have enough commercial experience, they don't like me because I don't have enough IT experience, they don't like me because my TAFE background isn't current enough...... and so it goes. There is nothing worse than being a highly competent individual with heaps of energy and not being able to get paying work.
Anyway - here's the results of soem hard physical labour last week:

The front garden is shaping up after a
busy time taking down the diseased gum out the back and chipping all the branches. The pile of mulch took me two days to spread. The ground is still as hard as a rock, so plant hole digging has consisted of mattock work and soaking the holes to get some depth.

I'm really pleased with the design I came up with for the front. I've used miniature kangaroo paws, Correas, Acacia cognata cvrs., one Agonis flexuosa purpurea and will eventually put some tree ferns up against the house wall, as it is perpetually shaded there. I also created a little damp hollow and have used some mosses, rushes, a christmas bells and a dianella there. Hopefully I'll be able to keep them going through next summer, with backeted waste water. I put clay at the bottom of the hollow to slow down the drainage.

The back yard is next, and I can't wait to be working and earning again so that I can confirm my plans to change the back fence for one that I can see through. Look at the lovely mist that was rising off the creek the other morning. It is a constant delight to watch the play of light over the reeds and grasses and through the trees in the creek reserve.


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