Looks like I'm going to be up till midnight updating the nokia software for my phone. I followed the instructions and found myself with a 111 MB download underway. With this VMC connection (simcard 3G) this could take forever.
I'm settling in to my new suburb. Bit by bit I'm exploring it. Yesterday I followed the bike path down to the Sanctuary Lakes development, and today I took the back route out to Hoppers Crossing to check out the Bunnings store down there, and boy what an eye opener! I went out along Dunnings Rd., thenp Forsythe Rd. to Geelong Rd. The homebuilding is incredible. Now I can see where all the traffic that comes in on the Pt. Cook Rd. from the Geelong Hwy., is going.
I'm settling in to my new suburb. Bit by bit I'm exploring it. Yesterday I followed the bike path down to the Sanctuary Lakes development, and today I took the back route out to Hoppers Crossing to check out the Bunnings store down there, and boy what an eye opener! I went out along Dunnings Rd., thenp Forsythe Rd. to Geelong Rd. The homebuilding is incredible. Now I can see where all the traffic that comes in on the Pt. Cook Rd. from the Geelong Hwy., is going.
I have met both neighbours now. Lindy lives on the Western side of me, with her four children. All tousled headed blonde & blue eyed. Yesterday they were all waiting out the front for Dad to come home from work. The oldest three, each clutching a blue tongue lizard of various sizes. The youngest just busting to be heard and noticed on his three wheeled scooter. The older boy tells me he's killed 3 tiger snakes down by the creek and seen two brown snakes sunning themselves on a rock up the embankment from the creek. I'm impressed, but remember to say "Aren't you just supposed to let them go?" They tell me that last summer a brown snake came right up through our yards, across the road and into the house opposite. I make a mental note, "NEVER leave the doors open!", and I recount the time that a Taipan went into Cathie Bowmans house, (Bluewater, Townsville, Qld), through the bathroom and down the corridor. She arrived just in time to see it disappear into her handbag, inside the wardrobe.
Jacinta lives on my eastern side. She was out gardening as I came back from Hoppers Crossing with all my paint and tools for next weekend. We discussed both gardens and the weed problem, and I offered to to help bring the weedy bush that is scrambling over everything under control. Jacinta told me that a car had crashed across the front gardens of both our houses a few weeks ago, knocking over my tap and water meter! The previous owner didn't tell me that one! Jacinta has two cats and I felt that we might become good neighbours, if not good friends. I'm down to the last box, although I still have odds and ends that have not yet been assigned a place, clutering my table and lounge room.