I have spent almost an entire weekend without checking my email or spending time doing `stuff' online. In fact the past two weeks have been virtually virtual reality free! This is just a really quick blog, because I need to get my BAS done, as it's due in tomorrow.... The fact is, there has been so much other reality stuff going on in my life, that I've had to ignore my writing. In the past two weeks, I have had major surgery done to my teeth, preparing my upper left jaw for a bridge to fill the gap of a missing tooth that has been vacant for about 10 years. This has involved cutting back the two teeth either side of the gap, so that they can be crowned to give the bridge a secure anchor. It HURT, and I am still sore on that side. I've got another 2 weeks before the permanent bridge is installed. I'm not looking forward to it. I rode all the way into Williamstown along the coastal bike path. 19.89km and back again. I went to my first French Conversation class an...