
Stress does such nasty things to me. I'm currently facing both moving house and having to find a new job at the same time. I find myself being really grouchy and jumpy with the very people I love the most. Its as if some inner demon wants to drive away the people I most need to support me at the most critical time.
I went over to my new home today for a final inspection before the settlement date. Its lovely and I'm so excited to be moving in. Only 2 weeks to go!
I've organised the removalists, the changeover of utilites, the cleaner & carpet cleaner for my rented unit, the notice of termination for the unit lease, the new furniture for the outdoor area, (I was VERY clever and have managed to get it delivered here the morning that the removalists come - out of one truck and onto another!) and a new blanket box for the bedroom which has needed a lot of organising as the courier company wont deliver it unless there is someone to sign for it, so I've got Will to go and pick it up from the depot.
I've sent out invitations to a housewarming disguised as a Painting party, at which I hope I can get everyone to help paint all the external veranda and carport timbers.
I still need to organise a plumber to quote on the guttering and a rainwater tank, and a landscaper to quote on laying a hard pad extension to the veranda.
All this whilst wondering how long it will take me to get another job, and whether I'll be able to continue the dental work I've just started.
And I have to start organising how I want the packing done - arghhh.
At least the weather is providing a distraction. We have finally had good rain and an end to the terrible heat that was destroying the last energy the drought stricken plants had left.


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