I attended a Xmas party with friends on Saturday night - they pull out all the stops for Christmas. They had `Con the fruiterer' there as MC. He was a very funny guy. He had that comedian's ability to zone in on someone and target their weak points. I fell off the bike again on Friday, another gutter :( I was heading over to Southern Cross Station from Docklands after catching up with friends for a meal, and I rode down a ramp, across the tram lines, over the road, expecting to find a ramp on the other side - no such luck, it was dark and I didn't see the gutter. My knee looks like a rugby players but there is not too much pain & I can move ok. But my shoulder is back to giving me grief again. I've been flat out over the weekend, cleaning & getting ready for Xmas Day. Kristin came over & did the windows for me on Sunday. She worked like a trooper. I got the ice-cream made, it's a special secret family recipe, that everyone in the family knows! I los...