whacky week
Yes folks it's been one of `those' weeks, or maybe I should say, fortnights! It all started with the skin specialist telling me that after I had the squamous cell carcinoma removed from my leg - see wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squamous_cell_carcinoma for a definition - the photos are gross, I wouldn't be able to walk or cycle for a month. Now I reckon he set off a whole lot of bad karma for me when he told me that. Since then, spending around $350.00 after health fund rebates, to have the nasty thing removed, it's been one thing after another. I've had two work colleagues trying to stress each other & me out, another one taking umbrage at something I said in a confidential email that got out, I had the estate agent who manages my property up north, phone me and tell me the stove needs replacing, half of a back molar break off, an unexpected pathology bill turn up, and I think I got a speeding ticket on the way home tonight. Then...... I got home from...