
Showing posts from August, 2008

whacky week

Yes folks it's been one of `those' weeks, or maybe I should say, fortnights! It all started with the skin specialist telling me that after I had the squamous cell carcinoma removed from my leg - see wikipedia for a definition - the photos are gross, I wouldn't be able to walk or cycle for a month. Now I reckon he set off a whole lot of bad karma for me when he told me that. Since then, spending around $350.00 after health fund rebates, to have the nasty thing removed, it's been one thing after another. I've had two work colleagues trying to stress each other & me out, another one taking umbrage at something I said in a confidential email that got out, I had the estate agent who manages my property up north, phone me and tell me the stove needs replacing, half of a back molar break off, an unexpected pathology bill turn up, and I think I got a speeding ticket on the way home tonight. Then...... I got home from...

GCC Team event

Yes that IS a paper cut out trophy on my filing cabinet! One of the things I've been involved in this year is the Global Corporate Challenge, a walking challenge for teams from businesses around the world. It is run by Australians so the majority of teams are form Australian businesses, however when you see the statistics on the website of how it has grown in the last 3 years, you can see it is becoming a `global' movement. The idea is that teams of 7 register, and each day each team member tries to do 10000 steps or more. You log your steps on line and you can see the step tallies of all the other teams. Currently there are over 7000 teams registered. So! the cut out paper trophy was won by our team this week for reaching a total of 5 MILLION steps!! how about that :-) You can check out the website and start to think about joining in next year.