Wet socks

Last Sunday I rode the 65k Eastlink opening celebration ride - lots of fun, great road - hopeless crowd control. Never mind, it's good to have a big cycling event in the middle of Winter. So now I'm starting to think about getting started on the spring cycling fitness and this morning, decided I was going to combine my walking with some cycling..... This morning was a classic situation of "ugh do I realy have to get out of bed so early?" My new cat keeps waking me up at 5am, so by the time I throw him out of the room (no he is NOT allowed to sleep on the bed), and snuggle back down, I am just drifting off when the alarm goes. Today I had it set for 6.30 because I thought it was a good opportunity to try a combined train/bike trip across town and see how the timing worked out and how many k's it would be for the bike section. Anyway, Charlie did his usual thing and began yowling at around 4.50 am and I hissed at him then got out of bed and stomped my foot and him,...